In the beginning of May 2020 Space Research Centre od Polish Academy of Sciences (CBK PAN) kicked-off the project „openSPACE” – high value open data repository of Earth and space observations within Operational Programme Digital Poland for years 2014-2020. The openSPACE project aims at the arrangement and digitisation of scientific data resources collected by the institute over the years.

CBK PAN it is the only institution in Poland conducting scientific and technical research based on space experiments in the field of space physics as well as physical and geodynamic research of planets and the Earth.
The practical applications of space activities has been developed here, i.a. expanding the use of satellite techniques in land-cover monitoring, observation of the border areas of the European Union, the use of satellite navigation and Earth observation in crisis situations.
Since its establishment in 1977, CBK PAN is dedicated to research and activities for the development of space sector in Poland. During the years of activity Centre has collected vast, unique and valuable scientific data covering i.a. inter-planetary space, near Earth and on Earth research, and also the physics of the Sun. All of them with practical use.
So far, ordering and sharing the Centre’s data was based on telephone and email contact. However, the re-use of such data can be difficult due to various reasons, such as the dispersion of scientific material and the lack of standards or digitisation. The value of CBK data has priceless social and economic potential. Therefore, „openSPACE – high value open data repository of Earth and space observations” project will fill the gap and resolve the abovementioned problems.

The purpose of „openSPACE” project is digital sharing of high value information resources, which concern Earth and space observations by digitising, description, cleaning and quality enhancement. Moreover, the important result of this project will be free and open dissemination in the Internet with quality description, which allows the broad and effective access.
The project will provide two databases in 3 years: the first one for scientific CBK PAN data and the second for not processed, raw, measurement data. Apart from the widening societal awareness and creating new opportunities in research, openSPACE may contribute to the development of public administration and society in general as well as many industries beyond the space sector.
Project „openSPACE” – High value open data repository of Earth and space observations aims at providing digital access to valuable information resources acquired during Earth and space observations. within Operational Programme Digital Poland for years 2014-2020 Priority axis II. E-government and open government